Wednesday, April 25, 2012

EP Being Submitted!

Since last may we have waited for Yu-Na's EP to be submitted. Typically this is done just a couple months after you "accept" your child. We did everything they asked of us, finished her room, had a baby shower and prepared to bring her home in what we had hoped would be before her first b-day.  Then Korea announced they were nearing their quota for the year. We knew the year before they had run out in October, but thought with us being a May Acceptance, surely we'd get submitted before the end of the year. Nothing happened in Aug and Sept and the reality of celebrating her first birthday was gone. In October, they issued what they said would be their final batch for the year, which did not include us. We turned our hope to the first of the year. My new hope was to have her here for Madeline's birthday. Again, the waiting continued, nothing happened in Jan or Feb.  The first batch for the year was submitted on March 5th. Still months behind where we were, Madeline's birthday came and went with no Yu-Na. 2 weeks ago, we were told by Korea they did not expect her to be home for 4-5 months.  They said she would not be submitted in the next group and may not be in the June group either.  The sad reality hit me that I may not have her home for her 2nd birthday.  I had a little break down .. just a small one .. cried for a day .. then got back to life as normal. 

Well today, it came .. the email I have waited for and dreamed about (literally) for a year ...  her EP is being submitted next Wed!I don't know what changed or why. I'm really not asking any questions!  This will take 4 weeks to process. During this time, she will have her Visa Physical. She will have an exit interview at the US Embassy (hope she's studying her interview techniques). Once it's accepted (4 weeks), we should be traveling within 2-4 weeks. I think June is a very realistic possibility. AND she will be home by her 2nd birthday!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Some Good News and Some Bad News ....

Well last week was definitely a bad week on the adoption front. I knew going into the adoption process there was the potential for uncertainty and heartache. We have definitely experienced both on this journey. This week for the first time, I questioned what we had done and felt defeated. But then everywhere I went in my house I saw her picture and was reminded of why I started this journey. We felt called to help a child that would not otherwise have a family. I feel very blessed in my life. I know nobody has the perfect life, but I can't imagine a much better one than I have and just wanted to share all of those special gifts with a child in need. We have amazing friends, family, schools, neighbors, hockey family .. how blessed would a child be to come here and have all of that?!  All of that did not change this week. It's just going to take a little longer yet. BUT .. she is coming home and when she gets here, she will be loved beyond imagination! I mean just look at her ... does she get any more precious!
Now I said there was some good news too. Because of the extended wait times, the government of Korea is now allowing you to come visit your child before bringing them home. This is something that has not been allowed before (or not in recent years at least). My initial thought was not to take advantage of this as we thought we would be traveling in the next couple months to bring her home. But, they have said it will be Aug or Sept before we bring her home so ... I'm planning a trip to Korea!
I am hoping to be able to go before the kids get out of school. Trying to get there in the first 2 weeks of May.  It will be a quick trip, just myself. But I just cannot pass up this opportunity to see her, hold her, hug her, smell her and maybe, just maybe .. see her smile! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Wow ... busy couple of weeks!

Madeline turned 9!
She had a fabulous party at Big Day Boutique (where I work part-time) with her classmates, neighborhood friends and family. 

After our celebration that morning we went to our end of the year hockey party at Monkey Bizness. The boys had a great time and celebrated an awesome season!

Sunday on Madeline's actual birthday we celebrated with family and had a cookout in wonderful 70 degree weather. She wore the outfit my friend Michele from the Boutique made her. Can't wait until I can see her and Kate in their matching intial outfits!

And then yet one more reason to celebrate ... this came in our email!