Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Tough Day

I had really hoped the title of my next post would be EP approved, but that has not happened yet. Today is 4 weeks since it was submitted.  What used to be a 2-6 week process with the last 2 happening after 3, has now been extended to a 4 week minimum process.  I called today and was told "4 week minimum, could take up to 6 weeks" ughh! I'm so over this wait!  Why does it seem everything takes the maximum wait time. I don't know .. sometimes I think the wait on the front end would have been easier. At least I would not have to look at pictures of a child getting older everyday! It got easier for the first couple weeks after my visit to Korea, but now I am back to checking my email every 5 minutes. I know she is in great hands there, I'm just ready to start my life with her. 

The other issue stressing me out these days is trying to plan for travel this summer (at an unknown time) and also plan all other activties. I've tried to keep my summer as wide open as possible, but with 2 busy kids that's hard. I don't want to deprive them of fun activities. So I've basically crammed everything into June thinking we will travel in July. In Aug we have hockey camp and then we are back to school on Aug. 13th. Nothing like having summer school, Boy Scout camp, baseball, swim lessons, hockey clinic, and VBS all in one month.

Staying busy however, will take our minds off the wait!

I did get this picture last week, it was taken when I was there by a photographer that I actually had lunch with (very cool experience by the way). He took this photo the morning of our visit. She looks as unhappy as me about the long wait!

The real reason she looks sad is she just had a TB test. She showed me her boo-boo later that morning, let me blow on it (that's what you do on boo boo's there). A few minutes later, she pointed at a scratch on my arm and blew on it for me. I loved this and knew right in that moment what a very big heart she has!

Also, got this photo with it as you will notice same day I was there.

I think she looks sleepy in this one! But her Foster Mother told me when I was there she sleeps from 10:00pm-10:00 am everynight. I know she was at the office by 9:00am this day so she was probably exhausted.  I am hoping she will sleep that well for me!  Maybe with an earlier bedtime and rise :)
Sorry to not have any new news, just wrote this time to vent and share my latest photos. I wanted this to be an informative, experience based adoption blog, so I guess you get the good with the bad!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Busy times in our house!

We have had a busy month here in our house! As most of you know I went on a little trip .. I am limited as to what I can discuss about my trip so I will just post a photo that best sums it up! She was very curious about me. Went to me with open arms and despite all the straight faced photos was a very happy and smiley little girl!

She shared her treats and played peek-a-boo with me!
She is very affectionate and loving. When our time was up she gave me hugs and kisses!

We are just waiting for that travel call now! Will have her home this summer .. Can't wait!