Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Only one thing missing ....

Well we took a big leap into adulthood this weekend and bought a mini-van. I have to say it is even more awesome than I dreamed. I have more DVD players in my car than I have in my home! I feel safer, cleaner and somehow even more organized in it.  The only thing that would make it more complete was if I were to look into my rear view mirror and see my beautiful baby girl in her pink car seat.

Also, celebrated St. Patty's day with beautiful sunny weather. The kids got all decked out in their green and did yard work with Dan while I worked.

I did have some frustration (more than ususal) on the adoption front. She went in for a WBC (well baby check) we were not expecting and I had not mailed her care package in time for her to receive it. We also did not get a photo with that appointment which we normally do. I sent a letter to the agency about my disappointment in this also expressing frustration that some people have received a 1st birthday photo. I got a response back from Korea that they would send an updated photo with her March 29th WBC and try to get me the photos from her birthday party the same day.  I was happy that the agency and Korea  both responded so quickly. I wish they would just let me have her already, but I guess for now that will have to do! It pays to ask for things in a firm yet nice way sometimes!

Big weekend this weekend .. Madeline's 9th birthday and Jake's end of season hockey party. Family coming in town .. should be a big time!! Again, just one person will be missing .....

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Tough Day

Ok so today was a really hard today and I could not really figure out why for a long time. No bad news came, no well check, no photo so why was I so down. My nephew turned 3 on Monday and the kids and I told him for a present we would take him to lunch and to a movie. We picked him up, went to McDonalds, came home, grabbed Jake's gear so we could squeeze in an afternoon stick and puck and headed to a 1:10 movie. Saw "The Lorax" which was an excellent movie .. all the kids loved it! We then went to the rink where after a couple of false alarm trips to the restroom (Parkers pottytraining), I managed to get Jake in his gear, the other 2 snacks and finally stopped for a moment to rest before I had to resume chasing him around the rink.  I found myself the entire time feeling very sad and it finally occurred to me .. I was sad because I wish I was doing all of this craziness with Kate. I'm to the point where I would take all the craziness or even hard times, just to have her home and begin our life together. I have planned, read books, blogs, analyzed every aspect of her coming home and am so over it at this point. I'm ready already!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Good News!

Well we finally have some good news to share ... our agency updated us yesterday that the Ministry in Korea did in fact accept EP submissions and it was a "large batch". We were not expecting to be in the first group so it was no surprise that we were not submitted yesterday. It was bittersweet. I'm very happy for the families that will have their babies home in a couple weeks, but can't help but think if they had started in January as we had hoped, this could have been us. This large batch did include families whose children have special needs or they have issues facing them that would make them ineligible to adopt under the new laws in Aug. Again, while I understand the need to expedite these families, it is still very hard to continue to wait.  We are hopeful that another submission will take place soon and that we will be in one of the next two. It is looking more like travel will happen this summer which I have mixed emotions about. On one hand the kids being out of school could be a good thing. But then again, home all day with 3 kids ... whew!!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Our Fun Weekend

Despite the disappointing news we received last week, we had a wonderful weekend to take our minds off of the adoption.  Friday night Dan and Madeline went to the Girl Scout Father Daughter dance.

On Sat night and Sun morning, Jake played his last 2 games as a Mite. We will have a week off then, have the Spring Break clinic and then onto Spring hockey as a Squirt. I will really miss the families we have played with for years, but I think he will do great at the next level. He will finally get to play on a full sheet with offsides, players actually playing in positions and score being kept.  So proud of how far he has come in his 3 seasons with the Kansas City Stars!
We did find out at the end of last week that there was suppose to be some "movement" on the adoption front on Monday (tomorrow). I'm cautiously optimistic! Have a great week and I hope to have news soon!